Comedy Gold Jerry

God Cop could be real?

They do, Showtime and technically The CW too.

It can be two things.

Twas once a time when they didn't attract anyone unseemly but in the last year or more, it's been really attracting the attention of alt-right types being beelined here from Breitbart and Infonews. It's all Disqus' fault of course giving them reason to even know we exist.

Yeah, I know what you mean by that, sucks when it turns out someone's real personality is nothing like their characters, it's like a lie and I'm not being sarcastic. I know the pain of deception, of finding that someone you thought would be a genuinely interesting person on-camera would be the same off-camera but no,

Almost like those lefty libruls are too fragmented (or too afraid) to make a single-minded decision that's simple, from the gut and forceful.

But voting purity!!

I don't fucking know, kinda got bored of playing theoretical win scenarios like I'm WOPR.

Some white folk are under the impression they're endangered and that a Muslim might blow them up at any moment. Anyway, violence doesn't happen to unpeople, only justice.

Downvote, flag, block. Downvote, flag, block… should get that in needlepoint and put it above the door so we don't forget.

No stances on anything, just make me laugh by god!

I think it's just chosen to embrace that it's only any good while high as fuck at 3am.

Leave it buried, it can occupy the grave next to Frankenhole.

No man who has never even seen a strong woman in his life.

And with the term "virtue signalling" ringing in my head, I turn away.

Oh, lookit Alex over here, he's the smart alt-right guy.

Oh piss off back to Infowars.

I still so love that whole speech from Uncle Sam, poor guy, never knew how right he was before he shot himself through his giant hat.

Young Justice is in production for a third season and I'm fairly sure Teen Titans ended when it was supposed to.

We got lazy and don't flag like we used to. If we flagged enough armchair politico weirdos from Breitbart and Infonews we'd be fine.