Comedy Gold Jerry

Made from real John!

How do you feel about being slightly passively aggressively told you need to drink more water?

Not with that attitude.

End times are upon us.

Now, there's never been a better time to start blaming Trump for everything.

Flag then block.

We'll need to regroup and start seeing the funny in miserable times, a true resurgence of black gallows humour to fight the evils within.

And yet we hold Nabin in high regard, dammit.

Now people over 25 can't use it derisively towards those younger than them, it's a total crock of crap.

I still have my moments so I guess I got lucky. Nothing wrong with a makeshift gimmick account either if you really want to keep that rolling.

I see, right… like Tereglith says. I'm getting quite the education today!

I wasn't here prior to 2010 so yeah, never experienced how it was once before.

I know, he went back after the almanac got stolen, ended up in 1985-A where Biff went full Trump and left a smoking crater where civilisation once was.

Communism? No…. socialism!!

So I've been lied to? I trusted Teti all those years ago, why would he deceive me so when he said "oh, we're upgrading Disqus, sorry, got forced" and is the whole reason we ever called it NuDisqus?

Yeah, you're right on the money, damn my poor education!

He's not Cameron Esposito, that's all you need to know.

Oh yeah, then it's always been Disqus, just that was an incredibly early version of it. I remember likes being a thing but maybe that came later after the days of the wilds of unregistered commenting.

And here's me thinking that the CSS was failing. Well, it's wonderfully generic and characterless so it's ripe to be purchased and turned into condos for ads. Also, those headlines are not headliney enough.

Huh… guess Big Commenting didn't want someone to leave.