Comedy Gold Jerry

Some say shitshow, others say fantastically awesome shitshow.

What primordial soup was this? Pretty sure they've used Disqus for a while, just not NuDisqus like now when they were forced into it.

As far as we know.

You'd say that but it's a specifically alt-right term in this definition, at least from what I hear.

I wouldn't know, just saying that Russia's trying to gain power.

Would seem so sadly, this is what you get when you gut education funding.

The muffin top.

Paul Ryan still terrifies me but that's mostly because of his Randian worship at the altar of the free market as well as his virulent pro-life stance.

Another civil war, you say? Maybe that race war those white nationalists have been hankering for.

Why would they? It didn't convert minds, didn't do anything but play to the choir. Besides, you can't shame those shameless enough to believe.

Bulgaria and Moldova are close to electing pro-Russia types into power, guess the USSR is trying to reform.

Guess Trump needs his own 9/11… another 9/11, his election into the WH already fits that bill.

Where's the beef? Ovah here, ehhhhh… *grabs comment section*

I suppose by "tastes better" you mean "burns more going down to distract me from the mental pain"?

What's to say though? Most of the meat is in the comments anyway.

Make sure you said the crypto-racist definition, it's truly a term that could only come from lonely white males with sexual frustration.

Party line.

It was great but also incredibly gutwrenching to see it play out, I can't imagine how painful it'd have been watching in real time. Like Steven said, “I’m not sure if it’s a comedy show at this point. I think we’re in the middle of a documentary right now”.

Exactly, it's the dyed in the wool crazies you need to be worried about.

Why wait on that?