Comedy Gold Jerry

I'm sure there will be, Pence is no angel either.

Watch John Oliver LAMENT 2016.

Guess you read around two sentences in and gave up, huh? Noticed you have a specific hate-on for this site so why not just not read it?

Yeah, we're not mentioning a word about… uh, Trempy? I dunno, totally forgot.

Yeah, I expect it'll still hew real close to the Ghibli/Miyazaki style we love, something nice will be done with it.

This seems reasonable, all we really want is to talk about the episode, less so the review unless it's pointing out how they were wrong.

Just enough to keep you going, not enough to undo the pain.

I hope for a return to those fuzzy days.

Bipeds dammit!

Rocky. Perkins.

I don't disagree that we need to target the structures which hold us all back, not each other but it's real, real hard and a lot of people simply aren't willing to do it. In a way, you could almost say that those in power wanted us to tear each other apart so they'd be free to do as they please without any fear of…

Go off the grid, live in the woods. Also be a broken, dissolute drunken shell of a man because why not?

Ape shall not kill Ape?

Only too easy to ignore stuff, humans are incredibly adept at ignoring things if they need to under the "not my problem, can't happen to me" principle.

Because "yew libruls", these rightwing types tend to be very "do as I say, not as I do".

Do you know of another planet where you can get past all that? If not, you're stuck with what you have and may as well start carving out the future you desire rather than being downtrodden by the present you have.

Keep out of it, Nick Lachey.

What about truthiness?

NYPD Shoe.

Whose fathers?