Comedy Gold Jerry

He has bones, god… how do you think he moves?

Okay, wanna show us those dozen good ideas?

Nope, there are no sacred cows, this isn't for you.

Yeah, with Cosby it was a shock to see more and more women come forward but with Trump, you just know there's more.

Hah, "just", this isn't going away for a while.

As the Overton window shifts, even the crazies seem sane.

And then there's Jeb! just shuffling his feet before wandering off awkwardly while nobody was looking.

Aim for the sky even if you're looking at the ground, Sausage Party.

I think it could have been better but considering the production history, it still was pretty decent.

We've agreed before, haven't we?

If there's no Pirates in this then I just don't want to know. I kid, I will but I just want more love for that film.

Please, Sir was my father's title, call me Miss.

Don't be silly, we've gotten very good at developing "not my problem, can't happen to me" reality filters.

I see, Greene was your father's name.

Sorely disappointed by the lack of Veep references here. Up your game people!


Hey, Ricky!

One question, why isn't Dennis Perkins writing this?

It gets clicks.

Well yeah, that's what destroyed means, no longer a thing because he just blew it wide open, man.