Comedy Gold Jerry

I, for one, welcome our TBS overlords.

No, this is the regular "Watch John Oliver Destroy This Thing" article.

The cyber, they hacked you!

I just wanted to be nice about it, don't come tell you you're doing your job wrong at work and all. Again, cleaning it up, only know the "knock the dick out of your hand" version.

You know who you really need to be afraid of? Javaheads.

I feel like we're just looking at the iceberg under the water.

Watch John Oliver LEAVE NO EYE DRY AT THE GUN SHOW by probably not giving Donald Trump an Emmy!

I feel happy about this, AVC just going "fuck it" and going straight to their core audience of functioning alcoholics.

Anything to not be downgraded to a dumb pipe, huh?

Yeah, that name equity means there's a whole heap of entities called either Time and/or Warner but have nothing to do with the former parent companies.

I liked the radio adaptation, wasn't really sold on the Mangan series (both times) and much much less on the comic title going around right now. I'll have to see with this but so far Adams' work being adapted for visual mediums seems to have a certain lack of something about them.

Please, TheInternet was his father's name, call him RandomGuy.

Rocky, Perkins.

As they somewhat proudly state, they simply ignore the point if it doesn't fit with their preconceptions.

Star Wars is for kids in general, you can't pick and choose what parts you consider the adult elements.

Think you might be undershooting by a good few years for each age group there. XD aims at 8-16, same as CN does but Rebels seems to float in a weird space that sometimes feels like it's aiming at the under 11 set whereas othertimes it's looking towards 13-16.

If you didn't draw attention to it as weird, I wouldn't think that. I liked it too but I'm really not very intelligent so clunky writing sometimes passes me by.

Lesse… um, started as 20 Minutes into the Future, that was a UK movie which existed as a strange origin story for why he had a music and interview show which started airing two days later. That was a hit as was the original movie, he went off to shill in both the US and UK when his star rose before doing the series

I'm guessing this is coming from the same viral marketing firm trying to raise Arizona's image.

I don't want to encourage him.