Comedy Gold Jerry

Don't worry Harris, your secret is safe with us.

Huh, looks like it's doing what Adult Swim does best, shows that mostly work best when high.


It did?

I'm not sure what it is about Kimmel and kids in his recorded segments.

He's a very angry, spiteful man. Very low-charisma, trust me.

He is a rich man, of course we'll venerate him as a hero because he's very rich. Yes, he does all this stuff but he's rich, they can do as they please. Aspiration works funny like that, create gods on earth and they become untouchable.

Donald is a silly name after all but I feel like it's too friendly and he's no friend of mine.

Somewhat, more like macho-libertarians who believe that freedom needs to be rationed out to those they can identify with.

"Trump has this one weird trick to staying solvent, Manhattan elites hate him!"

The alt-right runs on a simple principle, freedom for me and nobody else. Essentially bullies who want to take everything besides responsibility wrapped in some machismo-based mythos.

Yes, entirely, like a small message in the obits page, nothing greater.

For Our Consideration: I can't believe it's not GJI!

The stride mothers are getting smarter.

Ah, he brought his way in, good ol British democracy at work.

I'm really unsure what he did to earn any honours except for selling cheap tat.

Well no but they're terrifying even from the few stills i saw. Falls hard into the uncanny valley somehow, makes no apologies for landing you there. Pro-furry hopefully in this case doesn't start and stop at "using anthropomorphised animals" because I'm curious what anti-furry ads look like if the bar's that low.

At least for the amusement factor, probably less for the other issues.

