Comedy Gold Jerry

There isn't, Disney knows what it's upto when localising titles.

That is a reference I did not know before.

I think I've just taken to calling it Zootropolopopia.

You'd be surprised how toxic Trump is. Not that surprised, it is Trump but it's like being very briefly in contact with a neurotoxin, it might have been very quick but the effects linger.

Pegacorns? They're called alicorns ya damn racist!

Not true, she has some redeeming qualities and you do want to touch her head.

He's not wrong, we hit that around about the time he mocked the disabled and there's always more bottom.

He'd been kicking around in various ways since the 1970s up until he decided to embody the corrupt heart of Reaganomics in the years between the first and second movie.

Problem is that we keep thinking there's nowhere to go but up yet he seems to be able to give us new depths never charted before. I worry more for the sort of legacy he leaves for the electorate who might want more of this sort of battle royale.

I want to say yes but I feel like he's just reacting to conditions, he's not a forward thinker.

Too bad the URL didn't update too.

First phase in 22 days, second much more horrible phase 100 days later.

Hey now, Hank Scorpio is a charismatic and caring employer!

That's my view, caling Trump a bully translates for his base to a strong leader who'll take no shit, a real alpha so it only makes him seem more a hero to them.

I thought that for a while but also I considered that if you're willing to have glaring blindspots in your allegiance for Trump then you're probably no great mind, tactician or otherwise so there's probably going to be something critical they screw up that ends up having them led out in cuffs without a shot fired.

Filed Under: Vegans, Fucking Vegans

Who among us can honestly say they haven't tried to kill Julian Assange with a veggie sandwich? We've all done it.

Thankfully RIP, god that show was just shy of being good.

Just wondering if it's a requirement for YTR's productions to only star people who've been successful on their platform.

"Hey, don't challenge us, challenging comedian!"