Comedy Gold Jerry

I'm still not clear how 5'7" is small, act like he's 5'2" or something when he's merely three inches shorter than average.

I see, you're the sort of guy who believes TG people are about as reprehensible and undeserving of respect as humans just as homophobes find gay people undeserving of respect and need to be wiped out.

Then you say "above you", classic dad joke.


I did not know this, very cool to hear.

To be honest, when you put it like that it makes it sound like he's just doing his part as modern day businessman, destroying the world just to line his own nest. Doesn't make it less deplorable or anything, just saying that it's pretty much his default mode to do what it takes to win, doubt he's ever played fair in

I know, the context wasn't lost.

That's a total fabrication!! It's Sharpie ink and don't you forget!

True but the Archmage over here has several millenia under the belt so his modern day is still within the last 500 years.

Don't say that, I still consider Clone Wars superior to TCW, it just makes me think of what if.

I didn't say I decided, give me a moment. A billion? I don't know if she has that amount and well, money won't solve my emotional issues but it will fund horrible side-effects of the trauma… hm.

That's the point I'm making so we're on the same page.

I know next to nothing about Kim Kardashian so it's not a reference point I can use.

It's like asking how much of your arm you want to be gangrenous.

Holy.. Cookie, you're dark.

I think it's best I just don't say anything.

No, not with Dorito powder… Cheeto powder but they're out of those and it's only the Hot kind left. The wetting comes from Mountain Dew of course.

Bill Shatner's at the top of this? I always suspected…

Emotional scarring is easily wiped away with money and looks?