Comedy Gold Jerry

Okay, we need a comic of this by Sunday, maybe stretched out into a four page zine, any takers?

Just kinda edges into slashfic for a while there, don't it?

So what happens with the debt if it can be essentially ignored? The person making the loan has no money so the debt just follows them until they die or otherwise vanish? It'd be hard to collect and they're basically bankrupt short of declaring it.


Because you don't want more of your stuff to be repossessed as collateral. Debt won't exactly go away if you don't pay it and if you don't pay, usually means a little worse than taking your loan car back.

"Well, you know how we like money? And these schlubs don't have any, right? How about we charge them really high amounts to essentially loan a car without any credit checks? They think they're buying but they're going to be paying out to us long after we take the car back because they couldn't pay. What dya think,


Hope you shared that with him, nothing like the trauma of a nightmare fucking with your relationships… happens a lot to me even now, don't ask.

Would you go as far as to say your childhood has been ruined?

Wouldn't have thought of The Witches as a gateway movie but I think in the vague recesses of my mind, Luke's appreciation of his tail might have awakened something in me too.

The Red Menace is always present.

Because Hollywoo is a vacuous place at times, BoJack is also a raging asshole who has been poison for the countless times he must have thrown any help back at the people in his life. Diane is truly the one who he hasn't thrown out, they see enough of each other in themselves to back off when needed and it's the

Well, he kinda did that while trying to cancel his paper subscription, problem is that he can talk, just don't ask him to consider anything opposing his viewpoint or he'll shut down.


It's one of life's great ironies!

Did you find your way here from Return of Kings or something?

People are what matters because we're social animals, we need human connections to maintain a sense of belonging and just for emotional stability. It's far from a panacea and this season shows that, even when you have people around you you'll still need to accept their help. You could do it alone but your likelihood

Been there, done it, didn't work out for him.

Yep but the point seems to be implicitly stated as if the lack of reality or that we're feeling connections to someone who isn't human as a failing in the show or ourselves in general, not from you in particular. No, nothing offers solutions but I mean that answers can be provided but they're nothing unless you

I can only give you a title, it's called "Stars/Feelings" on the album "Live at Montreux 1976".