Comedy Gold Jerry

Answers can come from unexpected sources, including animation, the lowest of artforms at least as far as the comments seem to suggest.

I can see them faking Mr. Peanutbutter's death, that guy falls upwards like nobody's business and probably could cheat certain death.

That Ellsworth Toohey seems pretty freaked out.

Only if they dovetail perfectly by the end without jumping around the timeline then sure, I'd watch that.

Me and Sheltie will be waiting for our fix.

One day… one day.

So it ends as it probably begun, a guy in his skivvies on his lawn staring up at the stars.

It does but usually it means withdrawal and insularity, I've seen it manifest like you say, dealing with others so you don't need to deal with you. For me, I couldn't imagine it because how do you help others when you feel helpless? "You're toxic, you can't fix others because you'll just break them too and even if you


Current year? People have absolved personal responsibility for a long time, just now it feels like the default to blame the symptom, not the cause.

Yeah, it's always the worst when you get fandom gatekeeping.

The bad thing about fandoms can be the art, all too easy to find yourself unexpectedly faced with R34 works on tumblr.

Well, I thought the same until I noticed that a) there's around five women in that group but also b) all of them look like hobos, all tattered clothing and everything. Maybe they're this weird group of homeless people (or more likely, high powered entertainment types on a weekend retreat) who just run like crazy in

I don't blame the internet or the platforms, I blame the people that say these things.

We should make fun of them for doing this, stupid dumb adults.

So treat the symptom, not the cause? Get rid of people, if we had no people this problem wouldn't exist!

Some singing, skip over it where needed. The show is about people and their relationships but it's not the core of the show though it is the beating heart which makes it compelling for some. There's a lot of interesting stuff about the Gems and Steven's place within their group which is helped through said relations

All things in moderation.

Well sure, you would say that.

Yeah, I ran into a similar issue where Steven did seem to be more of a golden child for whom the plot often bended to satisfy, that lessens considerably over time.