Comedy Gold Jerry

Slashfic is fundamentally creepy and gross, just that with real people there's an extra level of weird stalkerish creeping going on.

Apparently, stripping a batch of episodes every night across a week is working out for them in general.

Yeah, there's always fucked up creepos with this guy being one of the ones other furries despise if they know about him. Still, it's a random story cribbed from a site known for its anti-furry bias so yeah…

I know, right? Just going around just dropping nukes all over the place, random rapes and murders, even kidnapping and horrific basement torture chambers, it's all furries.

Not really bronies saying they're doing that though, can't hide behind noble causes if they're not the ones accepting ownership of the noble cause.

I don't know if we're calling them wild horses merely because they're doing wild horse things, probably just some endurance running group which sounds like fun antics abound for BoJack and his clearly out of shape self.

Do I need to be concerned about every poster in the background now? I mean, two posters specifically about dog death is a grave omen but I assumed it more in reference to his brother's twisted spleen.

I may have said that.

Six months would be cool though hibernation over a coma, deep sleeps are better than a strange waking consciousness.

I am, I'll do a write-in for you.

I'll be straight up and say I would not have pegged you as asexual, guess we both have that in common. I mean, there is a creeping feeling of arrested development about me at times but I've got several other reasons why that might apply.

I think we all really want to see Wanda, I still miss her but there's lots of characters I wish we got to see more of.

For me I like that he doesn't show empathy. Depression is not an empathic affliction, he's self-destructive and knows it but still plows ahead. He does has empathy, very frequently so but his own worst enemy is himself and he will get in his own way so as to seem totally lacking in empathy. How can he start thinking

You really make it easy to block you, I'm glad you're open about your lack of humanity.

I have a male name here, somewhat because of my appreciation of Seinfeld but mostly because it's always been shitty for women on the internet unless you were in the "girl zone" of the internet. Stuff's got worse so now you need to remain genderless until it's safe rather than simply doing it as a precaution.

He dies last?

Yeah, they half-assed the reviews for BoJack something bad, one episode every other day without a place for spoilers even.


It's really fun to say and sounds funny too.

I think there could be some hurt involved but she'll come to learn that it's a different relationship between him and Amethyst and accept it, she's never seemed like the sort to be emotionally petty.