Comedy Gold Jerry

Then Alexia does have a mid-atlantic accent, it's everywhere.

Hahahaha, Oh, you're cute with your naivety.

One person's "hot" is another person's "fairly creepy".

I more I look at it, the more it feels like some "deep" 14-year old scrawled it into a book binder.

No, please, I just ate a plate of dingamagoo.

A pentagram, a cross, even got some dagger lightning strikes in there, it's got it all! Still has a weird douchey smell about it though, can't get that out.

Oh, they got the memo but they were all like "fuk uuuuuuu, wer totaly countrcultur bro"

Knockoff Four Loko energy drinks.

Me too except Edgar Wright had nothing to do with that show and it was long after most of the stars had got their start anyway. Maybe next they'll dig down and find Sacha Baron-Cohen got an early version of Bruno going as small interstitials on PCC way back.

Fine, just stop him after Spaced, I like that show.

We had to make a list of those who do find him endearing, it's less work.

Probably qualifies as something a little further down the animation food chain, more your Illumination or Blue Sky stuff.

But…. it's Foodfight.

Nobody's watching him here.

I did too but that was because it was thoroughly unmemorable and my dislike for John K.

My, you're so subversive, I wish we could be friends.

I think it's the combination of that and also looking like a sex doll which only really works to make the character that much worse.

Just remember that for all the fear you might have of a Trump-led USA, the fear for anyone outside the borders is going to be several times that.

Ah, for the heady days when saying a reporter might be having a period was the worst thing he had said… simpler times.

The only thing I'm truly taking from this is that I am clearly not emotionally ready for how much of a gutpunch it was, like I'm missing out because I didn't get the sort of soul-destroying vibe I usually get from a BoJack episode 11. It's like a Voight-Kampff test and I might have failed it.