Comedy Gold Jerry

So is the Hey Arnold film but here we are, reliving the nineties because this decade sucks so damn much we need to hide in the past.

Sure, just because it's commonplace doesn't mean it should be charged like it was scarce. Even folk who don't have much money or stability will still have cellphones, often it's their only means of keeping connected in a world where the internet is just as vital a tool of communication as the phone itself. The…

Hardly a first world problem, communication is important to everyone including those outside the first world and your money still matters, you're being sold a raw deal.

Money in itself isn't the worst, it's what happens when people engineer it so it becomes concentrated in powerful hands where it gets ugly.

It's bad now but that's actually due to a government trying to declaw it through defunding and filling it with people more amenable to their viewpoint.

I'd like a specifically Garnet focused episode, many of her episodes have tended to be more Ruby/Sapphire based.

I liked that it was chisel shaped, makes sense that a race of space rocks would have these grunts armed with tools used to break rocks.

Almost certainly hasn't but that's never really stopped anyone and their personal slashfics from thinking so.


I've been told that, I still disbelieve it even with the amount of fanservice SU throws at us.

I think so, I'm taking it as having claimed two solar systems.

I wish for a return to those salad days.

20 years on and it's still a git that keeps giving both in good and bad terms.

Remember what Nana Peanutbutter said.

Huh, so the AVC used to actually do good journalism… where did the time go? I'd like a timewarp feature for older articles but then you wouldn't have these GJI posts. The irony is palpable.

Eat Up Martha

Well sure but she has to make sure she's helping the right people, not the ones who'll drag her down with them. She is incredibly savvy and wasted on a guy like BoJack but there's too much there for her to simply cut it off.

Not sure what's weird about him, just sitting there having a drink and over comes this crazy lady wanting to count his teeth.

I can't believe she didn't think that right the way through but due to the toxicity of everything, she still feels a compulsion to go back to him. Radio songs compelling her to go back didn't help either.

"Hey, lookit this crazy dance I be doin'!" All very 'ignore the man behind the curtain'.