Comedy Gold Jerry

I'm very annoyed by BoJack's sunglasses, what are they attached to?

Pogs only got big once ALF came back.

Well, there's a very clear whimsical folksy, vocalised style that's really come into prevalence recently which I think does at least mark out the mid '10s well. 2007? Emo.

It is or it might not be, there's a few people not totally on board but don't force it, give it time as you'll need to be able to handle goofy animal-based punning as well as deep dives into mental health issues and yes, it does mesh surprisingly well. Episode 5 onwards is a good boarding point but I don't really see

Some of that does follow, many are following him simply because they're bored or unheard. In a way the disenfranchised see him as different and saying stuff that really grabs the imagination by the balls with curiously small hands. Many of them feel they have nothing to lose and don't think democracy really works in

On consideration, it's pretty tame seeing as usually they're pretty snarktastic about chainstore food but yeah, reading it they are filled with revulsion at the idea of such a list but still playing the moral rectitude angle nonetheless.

I feel in both cases that test audiences hadn't responded the way they wanted and ended up burying them against such films, they knew they couldn't compete with Chamber of Secrets sucking all the oxygen up. No fight was meant to be put up it seems, they were deliberately made to fail.

Well, you say that but I think you're pretty upbeat.

Oh come on, the guy had a super edgy Marvel Max title!!

I mean, I agree but I did learn that I really don't want to read someone pontificate on the glories of the past.

Remember that Winnie the Pooh was up against Harry Potter opening the same week with very little promotion for it, it was set to be tanked. Zootopia is a bit weird because I'm sure they felt it'd just be a decent performer, not making Frozen-grade box office returns.

"Gene Belcher for President", he'd be his own First Lady!

You could probably lodge a carving knife into that guy's throat and not be charged.

It's never going to be the furries, Sheltie.. not anymore, we ran 'em out of town.

Context clues suggest that he's being dicked with being given ketchup because of the porn which he may or may not have been in which is what he's known for on the intertubes now, it's very indeterminate.

It's visually interesting but it's never going to get to tell the story it wants to in full, at least not here. Would be interesting if the comics that come up here could see or are seeing longer lives outside, like little samplers or something.

I know you know what I'm thinking.

Not with that attitude.

Well… *brushes off ears, comes on over*… How you doin'?
