Comedy Gold Jerry

It's clearly watercolour.

I was thinking "those kids do look like his fugue state daughter, wonder if that's intentional" and it's nice to see confirmation.

A real batch of cuckers if you ever did saw 'em.

You guys have never heard a chicken before, have you?

Would it be hyooooo-mungous?

No, he probably isn't completely wrong as long as "now" is meant in the context of thousands of years with "now" representative of around a few hundred years.

"white establishment is now the minority", oh Bill, you cray-cray.

But people exist outside and they say horrible things there too. Do both, no internet, no outside, no communication in case you hear talk radio so that'll mean lining your walls with foil and lead. You can be safe from the words, yes… *twitches*

Again? You always think you got them all and then they come back on the first warm day of summer.

Don't go outside.

Logic isn't their strong suit clearly, just wondering how many degrees of separation they'd take into consideration before killing someone who just about knows a terrorist personally.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy when people are saying they'll raze the world to dust if it means getting rid of terrorism, all gets a bit "destroy the village to save it" if you ask me.

You know it's not a crime to them if it's against brown people. Probably some "asserting the natural order" crap.

Psh, in a world when someone can be called Reince Preibus or even Rick Santorum, Grover Nordquist can totally exist and not seem absurd.

It probably will, I mean we're still running "OF COCK" and "When you someone eat it" into the core of the earth.

Oh, I think I realised Viacom is trying to steer us into reliving our childhoods for eternity, works out cheaply for them re-airing content they made twenty years ago and for us because we won't need the future when the past is still here.

It would be neat if they had space for just rerunning Oddities in general, I kinda liked The Head, no feeling towards Aeon Flux (and no, you can't convince me otherwise, Ryan) but The Maxx would be a nice revisit.

2002's schedule is technically retro, not 90's kid retro but good enough.

Hope stuff improves for you and O'Neal can be a beacon of intense, bitter sunshine in your life.

Also, local news story for added extra laziness.