Comedy Gold Jerry

Should we just get you a Patreon or something, AVC?

Clicks and views have translated to money for a much longer time than Facebook or Twitter have existed, that has always been one of the major avenues for revenue for sites since the 90s. Thing about the internet of today is that things have no value, people don't believe in paying for anything or something having as

I wouldn't say so, there can't really be highbrow pop culture as the ceiling is too low.

That too is also a problem, we're lacking unique sites with unique voices these days and if everyone is basically republishing everyone else then quality will stagnate and while it could lead to a system that feeds itself it'll be more along the lines of Human Centipede.

That could work, at least on this site. If we didn't pay attention to the political articles, they'd go away or lessen because AVC needs the clicks and if the political stuff doesn't get them, they don't write articles about it as much.

I feel like it's the inverse of how political sites had to start taking in more pop culture content to make ends meet. There's highbrow pop culture?

Same thing caused Brexit to occur too, voted for by people who had nothing to lose and could even gain by a little so it was no risk to them.

Aw, poor Wanda, I'll miss her most.


I see the show is still as hardcore about being as gory as possible in season three. Just don't try and explain away how you keep going back to using it as a punchline with a rant delivered by one of the characters again.

It is small, i think that last episode was more about placesetting for season four than telling a self-contained narrative so while in isolation it's not great it's about the changes it tells us that makes it interesting.

I would say yes, their canoncity is zero but they're still okay if truncated.

If you're just using it for profit then fuck you, you're no different than those who do believe it and actually might be worse because you know better but still do this shit.

Yeah but you did also say "middle Americans who work for a living" as if nobody else in the country does so guess we're even, cool?

Pretty much the case but I'm not mocking middle America, just that is who the message generally resonates with and my god, it's a joke, we joke here.

It's smart too in a paradoxical sense because it combines two fantasies, the conservative American dream of making it big from nothing and "real America" in the middle states. It's clear and effective for those it needs to work on and it has the right connotations going to make it real compelling.

Maybe 50 years ago, that line has kinda blurred to the point there isn't a middle class.

Service industry are soft, it's in blue collar work where the real stuff gets done, with yer hands!

It's all the way truthiness, facts do not matter. As long as you feel like a statement is true, then it is true. It's unthinking by definition and often what someone else made them think but yeah, it's a insidious form of twisting reality to meet the ends of those who'd benefit best from that.

I think Earwolf could squeeze in another political show, would make for.. like, four total?