Comedy Gold Jerry

Humans haven't changed, just sometimes they actually consider facts, depends how heavy the desire for revenge or "action" is of those deciding.

Regular couch cushion, foam fill, polyester fabric, decent wear. I'd say that'd be holding, what, 20-30 fl oz to get around 80% surface cover?

I'd say closer to 0.220 but the day when we do find we've reached the overlap of that Venn diagram will be the day we roll 1.000.

Would it cover one couch cushion, assuming entirely sodden where wet?

For the AV Club's clientele, maybe. Actually, sure, Omaha The Cat Dancer for a few weeks, it'll make everyone happy.

It was okay, still can't get past the art style but it told an interesting story, just not one that was very fulfilling with characters I didn't come to really get involved in the lives of so cancer or not, just didn't hit me like a gutpunch which I think the artist intended.

One day we'll hit the good stuff where we'll get meaningful furry comics!

That's a lot of urine, Barb.

Well, they might have but we only have one Lego movie to go on until the Batman Lego Movie and BoJack is real distant from the sort of thing we might want, some emotional heft but not so much it threatens to crush the story surrounding it.

Oh well, we'll always have our alcohol, nothing bad ever happens with that stuff.

No, that's too big. Can I have a very small birthday sundae?

Over/under on AVC just pulling the reviews randomly mid-season come season three?

Don't go back to the carpet store.

25-40 years later.

I didn't say this specific piece but it was written to move clicks, I don't watch OITNB so didn't understand a lot but I still seem to be attracted to checking out the high fliers hence why I'm here at all.

Forget it Jack, it's GJI Town.

Well, when something pops up frequently for the sole purpose of driving clicks to empty thinkpieces for the arguments in the comments, it's going to. It's like saying "skull" a lot.

That took a turn.

Lesbians are pretty good writers though.

Nice work! You might just need bigger bewbs for sure, really sell on that aspect. By the by, I do make a fairly okay looking Squirrel Girl.