Comedy Gold Jerry

I have not seen your article on the subject but I do want to.

I said phrase, mister!

Oh, right… um, bigger? They're pretty big already, consider the limited movement from even bigger ol' fake boobies as you'll be having to consider the space around a foot more in front and to the sides of your upper body. If you're real determined to go bigger then okay, just stop when they're twice the size of your

Bigger? It's almost like you want crippling back pain and sagginess in your old age!

*shrugs* Could be that, sounds familiar.

Not sure boobs are standard issue but would yours fit? I know it's all "go big or go home" for you when it comes to the chesticles but it's a tight squeeze in there.

You're both right, those specific logic gaps are representative of the whole Fry/Leela relationship as a whole and it can be determined that it can be more than one thing at the same time. We have a snappy phrase for it but I forget it right now, it'll come to me.

"I have no idea what this thing is but it's big so I need to hold some opinion on it, even if it's baffled bemusement."

Oh cool, we all get to be Samus!

Like I said, O'Neal isn't picky nor am I going to say that grain alcohol is comparable to denatured alcohol.

We shall give him the good stuff, I saw him drink paint stripper and just straight propynol so I know he ain't picky.

Well yeah but consider that a sentient shit is heading in.

Those fruit better be good and soaked in bourbon.

.. This may end bad for you.

Hey now, that's Mr. Blithering Incompetent Cunt to you, electric dick mouse!

Probably not the smartest thing to move this to GJI, lot of bitter folk just circling around, waiting for the water to get chummed.

I shall and will!! I was there for that, I am still here and long after everything has turned to sand and like Ozymandias' foot in the desert, my foot will stand and upon the base it'll bear the legend "The first AV Club website layout was way too dense, you couldn't find anything"!!

Why am I getting blamed??! It takes a village, dammit!

Guess someone still misses the overcrowded ugliness we left behind?

No, we can't have nice things.