Comedy Gold Jerry

It does get a decent amount of love but far too little coverage.

I'm sure I've heard Kevin Johnson be at least somewhat generous to it, it did cause an upset being selected as one of the Best of 2015 shows so it's not all bad, just mostly so.

He does send you to travel around the world but often puts you in serious peril frequently and makes no bones about how stupid you are and he did give Summer a free spaceship but also managed to traumatise her during her stay inside it.

It's more "Tweedledumb and Tweedledumbfuck" between those two.

That's what my conclusion of the show tends to be, just because someone is unsalvageable doesn't mean we need to sink to their level in order to beat them. Got to be true to our own code, "it never hurts to help" and how that help is given is the real question.

I feel like the main problem is here is that it costs too much to do by which I actually mean too many companies and groups stand to lose profit if society fixed itself. There's too many big outfits deep into the system of the US government at several levels dependant on prolonging misery and keeping a fractured

Intractable situation, one that won't resolve itself simply because there's not enough will to do it and too much will to keep it as is.

Not always, there's always a dud someplace.

It's just common courtesy.

Oh dear.

Yeeaaaah, they're not doing too well with that either.

I approve of this statement.

Good thing Wander isn't doing that though. We don't know how this gets resolved but having Wander's whole philosophy shown to be useless doesn't sound good, undercuts everything with a bitter moral of "kick the fuck out of your enemies, that's how you win", no thanks to that.

I feel the rot goes deeper than party lines but maybe I'll be surprised and it won't all be undone by the next Republican to walk into the Oval Office.

I think it's like a "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" thing.

Here you go, buddy.

They should have foreign guns, that'll teach em.

Exactly but don't say anything more, it's a government secret that every resident in Australia was killed and replaced by pod people like it never happened.

It's a poor argument. You can have some guns but you've got to be serious about who gets to have it. Also, you need it to be a socially palatable thing, a populace has to want gun restrictions enough that nobody has a gun unless they have a really good reason for carrying it, it needs to be rare that anyone ever sees

As of 1996.