Comedy Gold Jerry

It's a pecking order of sympathy for some, first come your first world civilians (preferably white), then your LGBTQ first world civilians then brown third world civilians way, way back in the distance there.

And that would be a really depressing ending, "all of Wander's hope and optimism and the power of friendship thinkin' is useless against an enemy of pure evil, better to kick its ass". Man, I do not want that message to be one of the last ones we get for this show.

By some point, hair just becomes fur if there's enough of it, he's a fuzzy orange spoon guy so I'll say fur.

It had echoes of "Godfellas" but then a character being a god to far smaller creatures goes way back so there's a decent few examples you can point to. There were a few callbacks and references to other works so yes.

What happened? Well, the US' military strategy between 2001 and, oh, 2009 happened, people were driven to fear by the ghoul of Muslims and how there was a lot of profiling of all Muslims being part of a sleeper cell ready to bomb everyone you know. Fear leads to hate and it's easier to hate someone brown who isn't of

Could be radical terror by being quite pleasing which would be radical for something trying to instill fear.

He was, two years into his stint on TDS is when it happened so he was well-positioned to comment and be heard.

True but they didn't budget for three kids either, if this somehow becomes a victory for Mike given he really did need that NHL job for better pay then I'll be surprised..

It's depressing this conversation is happening anywhere at all.

Yeah, he clarified his position further down the thread and thanks for sharing a pro gun control side of the debate, it's always good if someone knowledgeable about something can help reduce absolutist policies which are never good.

That's my line, why I oughta!

Agreed, it's a point I made elsewhere that comfortable, secure and financially stable people do not look to guns to solve their issues. Make a healthy social situation where nobody gets left behind by design and the bad parts usually recede. The gun laws also need really strengthening up to prevent someone being able

I didn't say mine was negative, she's okay but a lot goes into her personality which is to me around 2 parts feeling invisible to 6 of seriously just not wanting to be friends with you anyway.

He definitely seems like what'd be termed a lone wolf but being Muslim he's labelled a terrorist, no two ways about it.

No bowl, stick, stick!

That and Mike will never catch a break, no matter how promising a situation may sound initially.

I would certainly hope not.

"Dumpster fire" is a term too frequently used these days but…

I am being a touch facetious but also I've seen the zeal with which some will defend their right to own weaponry so it's not too far off.

Who's this we, charlie?