Comedy Gold Jerry

Yep, the show really rewards repeat viewing and pausing to have a real good look at anything in the background.

Yeah, I mean why can't people pay to have someone throw abuse at them… for fun? It's crazy man, comedians just want to be assholes in ways they can't be in polite society for laffs, it's horrible.

And the whole thing about playing Little Richard and stunt butts. If there had been no reaction, fine but there was and he just doubled right down on that.

I too am reluctant to see him go back to standup.

But it did make up a decent chunk of it though.

Think O'Neal took the Big Butt Book pic with him when he left along with the Big Red No.

Thing is that it's in Thailand but nobody knows.

People do not seem to be doing the right thing if they feel they need someone they can have a beer with, they're my leader, not my buddy. I don't think any of the candidates qualify as regular enough to come on down to your local bar and have a drink.

Ah, the politics of personality.

I think politics is a horrific slow motion car crash and would like if the world wasn't as fucked so people didn't have to yell endlessly about who did it or at least not so many of them.

Eh, it drives clicks, give them a better subject to focus on that gives them as much engagement and they'd be all over it if they could figure out a pop culture (or just in media at this point) angle on it. Wouldn't sweat it.

You don't come back from an upset like that, just scribble symbols on your hand some decades later before going off the deep end.

"Axl Rose arrested for chest-punching children, 42 injured"

We're allowed to if they made an active choice and could reverse it, we're totally fine with victim shaming at times. We've yet to target the dangerously slim though but we've put top men on the job.

He seems like a Double Down Baconator with Cheese man if you ask me, the bread just gets in the way.

Don't get why but it cracks me up that Dr. Scholls' necklace says "Necklace".

It benefits from repeat viewings if only for obscure little sight gags.

Just gone? Seems a novel way to put his decade long slide into insanity.

It wasn't a serious question, more the question which marks out the guy who was into something before it was cool and now it's big only really respects the old stuff but I like your answer.

I'll give you an upvote because I've never seen anyone say that but me, well I did watch Nick so little from both.