Comedy Gold Jerry


About 10 episodes?

Much of what we see in The Waste of Time never happens because of the whole "change the past to affect the future" thing making anything we saw in the future unlikely to be true but that doesn't exclude something similar occurring.

It's why you shouldn't try faxing a pizza.

Don't make this weird.

… here's a wet nap, don't come back until the staining is gone, go!

I am not holding your hand, that's cool ranch dust on there!

I don't know but some think if everyone can't be helped but some can then nobody should be which seems like bad planning. You help who you can because eventually you'll have helped everyone with luck and if not, look what you accomplished and how many people are still grateful for your help. It's not all or nothing

I… will take this leap of faith and trust you, do not betray me Ray.

Maybe, I can't stop now!!

They're bottoms at heart, just like pretending to be tops.

You need to wait for the propagation to take effect, these articles won't appear in the "other articles like this" on Breitbart and the like too quick, Disqus is offering a service by being generous enough to light a beacon to all the crazies directing them to your site and which you cannot opt out of!

Then incredibly cold.

Not Great, Just Good, Adequate Is What I'm Aiming For Here, Internet.

Yeah it is but if you pick at all his faults you'll have nothing to like about him.

Fine, I'll accept an apology but only because I can't disprove you didn't.

I like Ricky, his insanity embiggens us all.

"fkking" when written of course, no blaspheming in Trump's Great America Again.

He does at least have that, he's also not a hit and run poster like this guy.

Our first one!