Comedy Gold Jerry

The fingers mean the gay kind.

That's democracy!!

It's certainly not new, like their various articles on porn parodies and websites, nothing relevant about that but click driving.

Or they simply want to be ruled by an iron fist, sometimes being crushed underfoot is fine if you know who's doing it.

Es muy malo.

There'll be laughter because if we cry, we may never stop.

Well, okay.

Oh just stop it, you've downvoted everyone including me who said mean things about your favourite mediocre band for 10-14 year old boys, seems you're the upset one.

They're not all going to be old, give them that much.

“an enjoyable, if inconsequential, celebration of nerd-dom” is about as damning with faint praise as you could get.


Just like your bastard college "friend".

Yeah and you saw how well that worked out.

True but you are helping 9,000 people, that's still 9,000 people out of debt which is at least non-zero and even some is better than absolutely nobody getting help.

"Watch John Oliver TOTAL the debt-buying industry"

I will never not crack up at that line. I seriously doubt it started and ended at Jonah, guy seems to have a thing for cupping balls to show dominance.

That's pretty much Mike McLintock's lot in life, failure in every aspect of his existence.

That's an… interesting turn of phrase.

I honestly cannot tell, she definitely has never liked Mike though.

Teddy is known as a serial ball fondler around the White House, why not own it?