Comedy Gold Jerry

Must be hard being the only normal fan, huh?

They need to, I like that they're taking what being all evil, all the time actually could be like but I kinda also hope that "reality bumps up against single trait character" isn't the sole thing they're doing to make her personable. There was that whole thing with Dominator being a well-rounded character and so far

What gorilla parents? Was there some gorilla-based annoyance I can be riled up about?

We'd have to kill most of AVC's commenters, possibly yourself included.

Even you might be an MRA, you simply don't know it like being a sleeper agent.

It never really happens, we might get one slightly misguided soul but well, when it happens you'll be able to say you told us so.

I was thinking briefly it was Rider, similar jawline and would be the sort to exploit planets in distress for profit.

I can understand that need, Kevin has the same thoughts but it always for me comes back to the fact that WOY isn't supposed to be that heavy. You won't find anyone discussing deeper ramifications like that but it'll be gestured towards, maybe paid off later but never be foreground. It's all very show don't tell.

It makes her tragic in the sense she's unable to make any bonds that don't involve her subjugating someone else but she's also really evil so it's actually creating complexity out of a very one-note trait which does impress me.

Syl has always had a rich vocabulary for space swearing.

They're really going in on the extra stuff with Star, nice to see both a comic title and a book upcoming around September onwards. Hope they got some nice heavy subjects in season two though I imagine it'll be more of the same.

No? So you don't want to watch?

Clearly yes.

Or did but makes no apologies about it, just nobody has asked her either.

I have a lifetime pass, can I bum them through as my plus 1?

Eh, it's 1930's 37, it's like a modern day 54.

I wouldn't hold your breath, the fact she's been putting up with it means it won't come until way later when she can actually stand up instead of simply taking Selina's indifference and malice towards her.

Catherine's range of displayable emotions is limited.

Yeah, I think some callbacks to locations in the past would have been cool but we didn't get enough.

We demand softball comics with an edge of funny but no furry.