Comedy Gold Jerry

So you're unhappy that I simply didn't address his point? His point was "it's been done", I respond with "that's the point" then you come along and bark that "but comics that point that out are tired" so it's like, what the heck is your damn point? Just arguing to feel some control in your life or something? I'm done

Yes, those horrible non-humans are gone, no longer mimicking people, thinking they're people. Just genetically pure humans from here on, no filthy hybrids.

No but you did make it anyway, I think we're on the same page here in the sense that it's been done.

Dunno, guess the lure of furrehz was the only thing keeping people talking, huh?

Well, one makes the other so no tired gritty reboots mean nobody pointing it out.

Yes, yes I do.

It might just be me but I think the Swiper panel may have changed since it was posted, still halfway?

Like the comic says, it's a tired trope already so it's just making light of it.

I dunno, follow ignorant haters, see where they go?

Hm, so it just needed more of a journey feel to it.

Yeah, he was only here for four weeks before being replaced with a new artist, nothing weird in that. He might have been turned off but to be fair you need a tough hide to post anything furry in a non-furry space so just as expected might be the general sentiment, I feel like it is for me.

Eh, that Swiper is a 3… we are using that as a ratings system right?

No, it wouldn't and why do the same story again exactly? Korra had faults but not being an aged up clone of TLA wasn't one of them.

It's a soft punt to make specifically non-gritty things gritty, it's just soooo edgy.

Well sure, I won't miss the rage and hate but I'll miss the comics anyway. Think of it, we'll actually talk about the content of the comic, not stylistic choices! Far less comments though, the ones prior to "four weeks of furry" only got 200 at best talking about Buffy and Angel, the rest got 60.

Well done for finely detailing DC's main conceit of "incredibly grim darkness = realist".

Obviously! Damn moral relativists…

Could have done with knowing that eight or more years ago when she still had that name.

Don't look at me, RedPandaGamer invoked it!

Not smug enough.