Comedy Gold Jerry

Right, so a film series that specifically existed for terrible jokes made for working class slobs is trying to be rebooted? It's a part of British cinematic history but it should stay there, it's embarrassing like a dark secret we don't share and hide someplace in the attic.

Of course, it's been that way for a long time due to most of our collective western history being deferential to a patriarchy hence the whole "tear it down, start over" idea, it's pretty much at the core of everything in some way, however small yet insidious because it's been developed that way for centuries if not

Eh, I'm merely asking they pick worse targets, go big or go home.

"I just fell backwards onto the carrot naked, doc"

Kopi Luwak from cat poop and yes, I hate that that specific slice of info is readily remembered, didn't have to consider it.

It can but any food could if it's mishandled but sure, let's have this one incident in one place be the thing we remember about it, like that one time one of the AVC staffers pooped when they had Taco Bell.

Fair enough, just feel it's kinda angling for softball considerations sometimes or making a point for the clicks.

Yeah but that was in 2012, think they've cycled through some of those lizard folk but still seem to have the same inability to ingest properly without losing all control of their digestive tract.

Which part?

… on me, yeah but I'm a rampaging moron, the others would have took to it.

Fell behind? He was in the first episode and quite a few after that so yes, it did.

We hold reviews to a different standard, especially those penned by Oliver Sava.

The A.V. Club
Been so long I forgot what the point is,
Other than needless, obnoxious snark,
Needless, obnoxious snark

Well, it's lowered it if you've never been to sites constructed entirely of clickbait and I don't mean Buzzfeed, they have actual news these days. Trust me, there's way lower they can go and I feel sometimes FOC is the worst feature on the site.. that or Savage Love.

They kinda talked about food they resent eating, it's about as close as we've got to actually hearing them mention things they like rather than "something something chain restaurant something something poop".

Honestly AVC writers, why are your digestive tracts less together than an albino mouse's? At least bag on Olive Garden, they're truly awful.

Dunno, figure it's more we just have a huge culture issue where for some it's okay if not outright encouraged by some to be a misogynist. Still really unclear how that gathered steam but then I remembered the majority of the harsh verbal abuse is on the internet under a blanket of anonymity (and a greatly reduced

Dammit, the 80s truly seems like the worst decade ever.

I've seen it among older writers more frequently and I'm sure you can do as well as these chumps.

I'm assuming it's down to surrounding heightened emotions, her mother's death is a part of it but not the deciding factor, the loss in Nevada was the tipping point in an already weird emotional situation. Worked in her favour though, if she had won she wouldn't have had that moment of genuine humanity.