HI!!!! I'm still here and I'm still the answer!
HI!!!! I'm still here and I'm still the answer!
There was a time when these numbers meant something... So any BMW where the numbers made sense
Came here to say this... and to post this picture
C'mon Nissan!!! If you're going to focus on volume sellers at least give us this!!
I just Orloved my office chair!! I clicked but nothing happened!
I wonder if that's his car Matt is driving...
I'd say an iQ-2
Are they really giving them away on Gear Diary? Because I would like one....
A Charger, Charger, it's a Charger, it looks like a Charger, Charger, Charger, it's a Charger, Charger?
First I wouldn't entertain buying it...
Since autonomous cars are already posted why not one you aren't driving... i.e. limo or taxi
Since its not a car I guess its an automatic DQ but it is still the best...
Came here to post this!
Source? Or was this sent directly to Jalopnik?
I think the other pics are from an earlier concept.
It does!
But after all the teasing, all the hype, and all the promises, we're left with one question. Would anyone really rather have this thing over the new Ford GT? Or even a BMW i8, for that matter?
I need the original resolution images!!