
Metallic Greens! Pastel Greens! Pearl Greens! Greens!

These are incredible!

Less power, can't really think of any but a change in their power band, yes.

That't the only "value" I can see from it... It seems pretty pointless to me

Does this add any value for someone who already has a 4G LTE capable mobile device?

The GT500 was introduced in 2014, Hellcat 2016, good job playing catch up. But you seem to be stuck on HP/$, they both are great deals but the Mustang is cheaper and weighs less (TBD but I'm pretty positive the Challenger will be 4,100+) so when the weight is disclosed we can talk, wait we still can't because we're

None of these 3 Mustang trims compete with the Hellcat. Apples to Oranges.

Well the Hellcat is Dodge's top trim for the Challenger, can't really compare that to a base and mid trim when there is a higher one inevitably coming. Apples to Oranges

I really want that Typhlosion.

The race shall go on!

I think that's just how high the camera went, around :21 you can see after he hit the windshield and :25 hes on the ground so probably not much higher than the windshield

All achieved simply by flipping the lower grille and reshaping the fog light area, refresh maybe?

Not yet but there's tomorrow.

Some cars just aren't good for rail slides... You meant to buy a skateboard.

I have to agree! Even though they have developed a "ricer" image, with their handling and engine/transmission they can be extremely fun and satisfying to drive.

I agree, this scale is skewed. If anything it should be compared to cars in its class, price, and feel not if its a hyper/super/eco, etc. -car. I just read the words, the rating don't hold much weight with me.

But YouTube! Isn't this where they catch speeders?

I'm almost positive is the Explorer or some Ford vehicle.

I wonder how this would have ended in Russia...