
They had to catch this one before any accidents occurred, can't use the Old GM/New GM excuse for this one.

I just want them because they look cool

Just a little more info on this would make my week

"I don't see any Buicks!"

The want to spawn more models from the Eau Rouge but will the Q60/Q70 get this treatment? If so what would be done differently for the high-end coupe?

The Eevee-loutions, Arcanine, and Articuno are just perfect! This style is just perfect for Pokemon except for Lugia... That's up for debate

No, I was referencing the title... I generally like the Accord its just the fact that its referred to as an Oldsmobile Cutlass.

I agree... Forgot about the interlocks though. But where there's a workaround someone will find it. This may sound bad but I don't have any sympathy for anyone who chooses to drive drunk or not use their seat belt, its the people who are affected by their carelessness. There's only so much they can do to protect us

But what can NHTSA do to keep drunks off the road or people belted? Those two actions are a choice on the driver's part its the innocent people that can be harmed with their decisions. I honestly can't think of anything, proactive they can try to do, other than the auto seat belt that was short lived and breathalyzers

I feel like tank should have been in all caps every time it was used in this post, especially the last time it was used.

...especially at this price

I really like the Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Steven Universe art!

Neutral: What about just using the sensors in the seats that turn the airbag on/off (like for the passenger seat)? I don't know how much power that would take when the car is not on but I'm sure they can have a cutoff or something, right?

That red interior! :D

Hitmonchan/lee/top, megas... They aren't my favorites but I think they'd make awesome megas, especially Hitmonchan

I'm waiting for a Mega Typhlosion.... waiting!!

Right before the hole. Perfect place for a ramp or a speed hump

Ford - Last Stand Custard

That's a hell of a update, 21014 to 2015, they must have cut so much stuff out. But in all seriousness hopefully the final product is worth the wait, not that I'm waiting for this

This is terrbile news! I lust after this Black 300 SRT every time I see it on my way to work.