
The big question is how did an obnoxious, race-baiting blowhard take this long to end up on Fox?

John Wall: [pops champagne]

Simmons, Olbermann, Cowherd - ESPN Departes

She also organizes my colognes and combs.

I don’t care how much $$$$$ you have. If Scott Disick is your idol, even if you are 10, you seriously need to look back at your life and see where you fucked everything up.

I was really hating my job until I read about the poor woman who has to charge a 10 year olds cell phone to exactly 99%.

Inspired by the Rachel Dolezal Method of non-answers.

As an Australian, and the daughter of a two-time cancer survivor, I hate this bitch. I hate this bitch with everything I have in me. I wish people would stop giving her airplay because even seeing her or hearing her bullshit, I cant handle any of it. I had to stop watching this interview when she gets to the part

“I’ve always been raised as being currently a 26-year-old,”

There hasn’t been that much ginger on my TV since the last Gilligan’s Island marathon.

Dwyane Wade: (Signs contract)

Assuming the kid will ever learn to read is kind of putting the cart before the horse.

I’m determined to make a level in Mario Maker than even he can’t beat. Except I’d have to beat it in order to upload it so never mind. I’ll make a game my 8 year old cousin can’t beat though. She needs to be brought down a peg.

Yeah he’s a dick. yeah he juiced. But he needs to be in the hall of fame.

A good way to make sure motherfuckers don't act like they forgot about Dray

Great series by the Warriors. Anyone giving James shit at this point is either being stupid or obstinate; dude carried a bare-bones team to a six game series against a historically great squad. If the Cavs are healthy next season, they’ll be right back in the Finals.

Just so long as he tries to charge tourists $30 a piece.

She used to post as Fresh Beets, now Three Fifths Compromise.

Dear NBC Executives: