
That 50,000 stat is pretty relative, no?

Now playing

I could listen to this all day, everyday.

I love Lennon's laugh.

Fantastic. I love hearing The Beatles off of their mastered tracks. You get so much more soul and emotion from these cuts than the polished product.

I had completely forgotten about this song. Its been sort of bastardized by the commercial and entertainment industry over the past few decades, but its amazing to hear the song in its entirety. Thank you, good sir. Quite a great end to my night of drinking—Jameson Black Barrel, neat, if anyone was wondering.


I really don't want to step on PolkPanther's toes...

Having women text him their homework is exactly what got Kwame Kilpatrick in hot water.

Why don't you believe that an iPhone is worth around $700? I get that the actual parts cost something like $200-$250, but you also have plenty of intangible components to the manufacturing of a cell phone.

Agreed. Cincinnati is a shithole.

I wasn't aware one needed a reason to not want to return to Ohio.

That reminds me of the seasonal sandwich at a place called Melt in Cleveland.

Thanks. I'm pretty pumped. From everything I have heard, it is one of the more exhilarating events you can do. I'll make sure to throw in some hill climbing for good measure.

I'm looking at doing one early next year. I've gone on their website and looked up the recommended training. I can run for about an hour straight no problem at about 7 MPH so hopefully stamina won't be too big of an issue.

Anybody else feel like it was a severely inappropriate time for the #OccupyCal hashtag?

I'm imagining you're referencing this article from yesterday:

I bet you'll be eligible the first of November.
