
You could always call it The Fourth Hole Under the Fourth Roll

Anybody else in Ohio not getting football on FOX? I'm watching an informercial currently, but they just had the Chelsea/ManU game on a minute ago.

Jim McMahon is looking good for his age.

"That kick looked like my driver."

I've heard of owners starting to look like their pets, but never players starting to look like their mascots.

Is it just me or is the onside kick almost always one of the biggest let-down plays of the sport?

I stand corrected.

Anybody else hear Gruden nonchalantly say "shit"?

"Michigan, bad haircut, Narcissist, bastard child, New England"

Oh you mean Rock'em Sock'em Robots: The Movie? Yeah I can see that going over about as well as poop-flavored Skittles.

"And who is your daddy?"

Was that the only appearance by Bruce Campbell in the episode? If so, that makes it so much better.

I know there have been previous Louie DUAN conversations, but I refuse to let this post go unreplied. The show is brilliant. I had it in my Netflix queue about two months ago and it disappeared. The other day it was back and I watched the whole first season in two sittings.


It's good to see that the Heat Miser is still getting work these days.

I'm partial to Exit Through the Gift Shop.

Now playing

I absolutely love Songs for the Deaf. This just so happens to be one of my favorite—and the most recognizable— tracks on the album.

Now playing

I have a love/hate relationship with this thread.