I doubt that Chrome OS would have a Tux icon in the bottom right corner, even if it is Linux-derived. Fake.
I doubt that Chrome OS would have a Tux icon in the bottom right corner, even if it is Linux-derived. Fake.
Titbon sounds like a box of chocolates you bought at an adult video store.
@InfinitisEnd: When your competition for the job has won 7 F1 championships, you really need to find creative ways to pad your resume. Maybe you can say you won 14 NASCAR championships. Ferrari won't know and they won't bother to check, but you still won't get hired.
So they're just cribbing the script from the Tour de France? Schumi will finish a disappointing third, and the guy in first place will say that he doesn't respect Schumi as a person. Then Schumi will fire off an angry Twitter post calling the whole thing "drivel".
I'd rather be in the rickshaw.
I was taught proper cursive handwriting with a fountain pen in grade school. I was pretty good at it, but I stopped as soon as I was allowed to (around junior high). Now I only use cursive for my signature (which is terribly sloppy), and barely do any handwriting anyways.
@SirNotAppearing, now w/ 82% more aborted scripts: It depends on whether our country's program picks up enough steam to have a similar impact. If American consumers end up realizing that the incentive kinda sucks, not a whole lot will change.
I was listening to a report on NPR yesterday about the German version of this program, and although I don't know the details of their legislation, the overall effect has been to collapse the used car market (because everyone's buying new ones) and devalue the used parts/scrap metal market by flooding it with new…
You still wish you could buy a Zenith television instead of that foreign crap.
@smalleyxb122: Needs more receding hairline.
Ford: throw in one of the plane's machine guns, then we'll talk.
@pauljones: But you know at least one of these (probably more) will be defaced with that crap.
I like the fact that the center cubby has a slot for my American Express card. I also like to leave the vehicle title and a list of all my internet passwords and banking pin numbers in the glovebox.
What's up with the Russkies and the giganto grills? The shark gills on the fender are pretty terrible too.
@SirNotAppearing, now w/ 82% more aborted scripts: FIF FTW! Awesome.
@Ash78: Shine ye shoes, guvnah? No?! Piss off, then!
Just when you thought the Japanese couldn't possibly get any weirder... and do I want to know what that little red plastic ring sticking out of the Lotus is?
@evo190: Oh God, you went and found a video of my ex-congressman (I just moved). This guy is Shrek's retarded cousin.
I weap for our nashun.