
What part of the midwest? I live in Ohio and fuck geese.

To be perfectly honest, they probably won’t stick in my mind too much. It’s just not what interests me.

So many people in this thread whining about a “friendzone.”

How is it wrong?

Maybe it’s because he’s nice, but boring.

I used the 99% comment as a joke to say that I am the 1%

I agree with you, I don’t think it’s obscure. But obscurity can be subjective. To you, to me, and to many others, Gary Sobers is obscure. However, to much of the rest of the world where Cricket is very popular, you’re insane if you don’t know who Gary Sobers is.

Says you!

I learned I got really good at that because in college, for me, whiskey was more of a priority than sex. I dated a girl who hated me for that.

Not ringing any bells for me. I didn’t catch that reference. I just think it’s odd to me that not knowing a character from a game is met with people who don’t believe me or think it’s that far fetched. Gaming covers such a wide spectrum.

To me, this is like going up to somebody who is a big fan of sports, and saying

I’ve heard of Cloud, but not the other three at all (until Tifa just today). It’s really not that hard to believe that someone doesn’t know them.

No way I’d equate her to Darth Vader, and maybe it’s just because I also don’t know who she is. There are so many more video game characters that are more world renown.

It’s really not that hard. I’ve been a pretty avid gamer since the late 90s and I’ve never seen her before. FF doesn’t interest me (obviously), so I know not of any of their characters.

You know what’s super fair? Not cheating. As long as someone doesn’t do that then there’s nothing they need to worry about.

I can’t answer your second question, but all companions are essential as I believe, so they will never die.

Perfect response.

Dude’s pretty damn open about it and very comfortable talking about his sexuality to anyone who asks. If anything, you’re less sure that there is self-hatred in him than I am sure that there isn’t.

God I hate that. Whenever I go into a stall I can see over I duck my head down. I’m a very sheepish pooper.

They’re not necessarily related. They can be, but not always. A gay friend of mine called me a faggot for not taking a shot with him. We both laughed because it was jarring, impolite, and we were drunk.

I hate to be the “just walk away” guy, but shit is going to be offensive sometimes, and usually the best course of action is to leave. Someone who wears a Trump button has the right to do so and isn’t “violating” anything by wearing it.