
Bad movies can be enjoyable. This is something the purists on Film Twitter seem to be incapable of understanding. You can have a good time with a movie that is mediocre and objectively dumb or badly made, and there are almost always elements that can be rewarding. It does not hurt your soul.

Damn, yeah, I can see him as Blade actually. And great as Ali is, by the time we actually get to see him as Blade he’ll be in his 50's, which is older than you’d think they’d want to be starting a character’s journey at.

Totally worth the time watching. It’s what the 2007 movie should have been, IMO, and shows what happens when you put a competent director in charge of a Transformers movie.

Nope, they care about people’s opinion on the movies, as expressed in dollars spent. The vast majority of audience members have never heard of Kathleen Kennedy, and couldn’t care less who she is. Heck, the vast majority of hardcore Star Wars fan had never heard of Kathleen Kennedy, despite her being #2 at Lucasfilm

Star Wars was wrecked when the fucking prequels came out. Also you people are such hypocrites, because you want to blame KK for every perceived “failure” but you also don’t credit her for the shit you love, like Mando, Batch Batch, Andor, or whatever. There’s zero chance you hate all new SW content, so whichever thing

It’s like they’ve forgotten how long she’s been part of the franchise. Or else they just need an easy name to blame it all on after they’re done watching those Youtube videos with the angry thumbnail image and red and white words including “woke.”

Yeah, it’s generally forgotten today that the general consensus among fans back in the ‘90s was that Return of the Jedi was a mediocre sellout movie, at least until Phantom Menace came out. And now RotJ is in the Library of Congress, and TPM is approaching “beloved classic” status.

The only reason people are leaving disappointed is because they’ve ascribed this genius quality to Star Wars that was never there. The franchise has always been hokey and badly-to-OK written. The movies are fun, but it’s not Shakespeare and I’m not sure when or why we all started thinking that they were.

People are

overstatement of the year maybe? Star Wars seems to be chugging along nicely and despite what you may say, still produces fantastic content. 

its a sequel to Bumblebee and thats it.

“Everything I don’t like was made by mean old woman KK! Everything good I like was made by nice men Favreau and Filoni! I understand film business!”

Your daily reminder that Kathleen Kennedy has been in tjis business for decades and neither knows who you are nor care about your uninformed opinion.

You guys need major therapy for your KK Derangement Syndrome

The interview segment on Cunk on Earth where she interviews the intimidating military historian about the danger of nuclear war might be the best thing I have seen all year, hilarious but strangely poignant too

I’m really enjoying Silo. And what an amazing cast!

Not sure what “Dave” has to do to get some attention. It was already one of the most entertaining shows on TV and this year, they added a ton of big-name cameos that fit right into the lunacy. 

That’s been my mission since SWC ‘23. Blitzed through Clone Wars, Rebels, and just finished the second season of Bad Batch.

I enjoyed the first season of Rings of Power reasonably well, but I don’t know that there is anything about the second season that I’m really looking forward to. Maybe Galadriel? But unclear to me what her storyline is now since canonically she retreats to Lothlorien and cuts it off from the world pretty much 

Everyone uses pronouns.  You used six in your post just now.

surely both Barry Allens can defeat Zod”

I vote it should be “Barrys Allen”.