
are you refering to this? pretty sure fancy looking armor doesnt give you an advantage. Plus, i paid no extra for these.

I guess i would choose the left. Not because im a boobs guy, but i prefer women to have a head. (and the pretties thing about her is her face..)

only thing on that list i want is the flash drive. sooo many cars i would rather have than a veyron

who the heck is honey booboo?

I think nintendo has done a pretty poor job in marketing with the wiiU. Most people i have been in a conversation with when the wiiU came up had no idea what it was, and if they did, they thought it was dumb (from what little they knew about it.) I have seen one commercial, on probably 4 occasions, and it does a very

now i dont have to use windows!! i cant hardly stands using windows.

Already fixed. Thank you anyway though

When he flys it around, like a ship, I consider it a ship

fixed it. ran:

installed, then ran, and installed the rest. now it wont even open

after the amazing story's in halo, marathon, and pathways into darkness. i very much trust bungie to deliver a good story with their games.

yeah, it reminds me of the didact ship, which i hated. it seemed off.

game looks pretty fun, story/writing looks absolutely terrible.

nothing. its made up mostly of community efforts, it would be unprincipled to turn around and charge the community

i dont think they had a torrent program, hence why the downloads didnt work.

you just proved my point, the developers are forced to make the games work with just one. if the systems had two joysticks, the games would take advantage of both.

now think of this; most games could benefit from a second stick, but because one is only available through crappy add-ons, they do not support them.

i may be wrong, but i dont remember the appearance of a halo in reach.

8.9" != full size. 7-7.5 is compact, 7.6-~9 is mid-size, and 10 plus is full size.

what a douche. let people get the phone they want. i know people that were gonna get an iphone, but somebody convinced them the get android, and they were very unhappy, and lost a few hundred dollars just to get the phone they wanted in the first place. i also know two people that the inverse of this happened to.