
Sooooo, how deep can this rabbit hole go

Can you have ChatGPT, DAN, SOADS (Strongly Oppose Anything Dan Says), and AHFA (Always Horny For Anything) all going in the same chat stream

How many multiple personalities can we get the chat bot to try to simultaneously adopt before it completely breaks

You’re mad they’re not covering 2 recently Kickstarted JRPGs from relative nobodies? You’ve lost the plot, bud.

I guess I’ll join in on the “but but but!” Train and include Shadow of the Colossus as a central idea of Adam Sandler’s character using it as a coping mechanism and escapism in Reign Over Me. I think it was Kotaku that had covered it too all those years ago. 

Yeah, fuck the workers that will get laid off when a company loses all of its profits! That will teach them for their bosses mistakes! Yeah!

That’s impressive! I think I get bitched at more than that for playing Brigitte. Actually, I got bitched at just last night for picking Brigitte.

It’s just so mind-bogglingly stupid.  They’re literally pulling this same shit while arguing against it in court

“In the year since it’s been publicly playable, the multiplayer shooter Halo Infinite hasn’t received a single new weapon.”

Where’s my shipyard update? I want to be able to use all the standard components to build custom ships.

Careful with the Spice On/Off switch.

Go read the words to the coin flip again.

They said heads I win, tails you lose.  Either way they lose.

“This is a great foundation for future games to build on” has been the running mantra for every mainline Pokémon game since 2013.

This is super ironic to me. Let me tell ya, I’ve been served, time and time again, the eternal argument AGAINST backward compatibility by Sony fanboys saying that they much prefer Sony invest its money in making new games instead, and that BC was for Xbox losers, that anyone who wants to play old game should just keep

And of course, the local news will run a feature on this. People tune out most commercials but pay attention to the local features. 

How is it we can accept Buzz Lightyear: Star Command, but we can't wrap our heads around the same concept as a movie?

I'm convinced Sony doesn’t understand humor. Or marketing (DBrand face plates).