
He couldve played zombies, split screen, combat training, campaign....

My case says it comes with nuke town, but I can't find any codes

Heck no

The keyboard option is always dimmed out for me, even if there is a text field ready to type in

My galaxy s2 does all the time, happens on my transformer prime fairly often too

good for you, i prefer a 360 controller to mouse and keyboard though. Even when i play on PC, i plug in a 360 controller.

is he actually supposed to be a baby? or is a man who has been abused and kept from growing up mentally/emotionally his whole life, so he is at the mental state of a toddler? the trailer seems to suggests the latter, while the writer seems to suggest the former.

literally my favorite part about COD campaigns was the quotes.

Movie theaters have nice screens, amazing sound, and all of the movies take months to come out on DVD after theatre.

im 17, i think he sounds like a douche.

i hope he is joking, because i went from thinking of him as a minor annoyance, with little curtosy, to somebody who i hope gets their genitals removed, and never reproduces. He sounds like such a self-entitled, egotistic douchbag. I want to kick him in the teeth soooo bad right now. BTW, Ending any

Okay, its not for you. That's fine. That does not make it underhanded

Not even close to being the first dedicated android gaming handheld. Plus, no buttons

only games i cared for the soundtracks are the halo series.

so in w8/wp8 it takes multiple tries to activate a tile, and then a few seconds for it to do anything. great ad

depends. If i could have any car in the world, i would get the most expensive one, then sell it. (hopefully the tax and insurance were also taken care of.) But if i had to choose one car, and keep it. It would either be an acura NSX (newest model), Nissan GT-R specV (newest model, and fitted to american config.),

which one is beautiful? they both look ugly to me. id rather have a new gt-r, or NSX

im sorry if i am not specific enough. i am refering to your BYU comment, and your implied (or at least i infered one) insult against mormons. I comply to most of the republican values, but am not party affiliated. I find the party system to be rediculous, as it blinds members of both partys.

could you be anymore ignorant?

i believe that romney, a financial genious would have done better than raise the nations debt by 50%