what tech? this morons manages to be very successful at raising our debt. At this rate, we'll be too busy paying them off, or working as slaves to china (probably not, but who knows.)
what tech? this morons manages to be very successful at raising our debt. At this rate, we'll be too busy paying them off, or working as slaves to china (probably not, but who knows.)
Same here
Technically, they are not. I was mainly emphasizing looks
dont get the hate here. If you dont want a mini, you dont have to, dont critisize those who do, same thing with those who trash android tablets. If i manage to sell me transformer prime, i will likely buy a mini.
Looks and aesthetics.
Can't. I'm on T-Mobile
the one x is just sooo much better aesthetically, imo. specs are not the only thing that matters. the one x has a better looking design, and a better looking display
specs are specs, but they are not the most important thing. i may end up liking the nexus 4 a bit more, but i would much much rather get either a; one x, one x+, one vx, evo lte, padfone 2, etc.
nexus 4 seems mediocre at best
i have aokp. had cm before, but they dont support the t989 well
i would buy one right now if it was on tmobile. yet, imo, the gs2 is still the best phone on tmobile.
sounds pretty good to me. My galaxy s 2 (t989) on android 4.1 usually dies around 8:00 pm, earlier if i use it alot. i keep a spare battery in my pocket at all times.
sarcasm? i know android has some serious battery issues, but the maxx is like pure battery. If the battery sucked, i would never want one, it is one crazy ugly phone
soooooo..... nothing good? no good improvements? i thought there was rumoured battery life improvements. I am considering ditching android purely because of battery management issues, and i was hoping this would change it.... guess not.
ill keep my transformer prime, thank you. that thing is pretty ugly looking, looks like shoddy materials, and seeing as how samsung has yet to make a single decent android tablet, im not gonna trust them just yet.
im not at all saying that that tablet is better. i am saying that the only tablets smartglass supports are windows 8 tablets. Every wii U user has a wii U tablet (unless it got broken, sold, stolen, or lost), while an incredibly small amount of xbox users have a windows 8 tablet, though many likely have an ipad, or…
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the wii u comes with a tablet...
smart glass is supposed to be a feature that allows the 360 to compete with the wii u's second screen feature. if they dont put it on the most common platforms, then it will not compete with the wii u's tablet.
i have both, they are actually very different,