
the guys from the big bang theory. (me in the picture in the comment) work at caltech, not MIT. which is what davearonson was talking about. #readingcomprehensionfail.

no support for android tablets, iphones, or ipads. lame.

those are pictures of the first note, correct? the original not does not have a 5.5 inch screen, so he lies! i wont buy from liars! (well, i wont buy a note at all, from anybody. they blow)

you are not even worth talking too. i am not saying text on the nexus 7 is cramped at all times, i am saying that if you zoom out to a distance that it has more content than the 8 inch ipad mini, it will appear cramped. as for the content. if i make a web page, view it on an ipad 2, i will see the exact same amount of

tried it, and though i dont really understand the two at once thing, even with one finger it works much better than swype.

i guess i will try it, but i absolutely hate swype.

sound like the same crap to me

sorry, but with the way that mobile OS's work, that is not true. I can have 50% more content showing at once on the ipad, as opposed to the android tablet. i find 7 inches to be pretty small, so if i am going to try to cram more content onto that screen than a 30% larger display at once, it is gonna be cramped, and

so? like you mentioned, 8" != 7", the 8 inch is noticibly larger, especially if its 4:3. plus the fact that the bottom nav bar on android take up a fair amount of space, and the ipad will feel 40-50% larger. imo, worth the extra money. 7 inches is puny.

id rather get the ipad mini than a nexus 7, and thats coming from an android user. better screen size, better ratio, better materials, thinner, lighter, much more/better apps, better looking, and the build quality is a joke on the nexus 7/fire

so is the tablet itself 400$? or 500$? because the article says 400$ at one point, and 500$ at another.

you may be right, but this is a different situation.. this is not a new ipad, but merely an update to the current one. the one your son bought no longer exists on apples website, they are treating the new one as the old new one.

i would rather pay 330$ for the ipad mini than 250$ for a nexus 7. (and this is coming from an android user, with a transformer prime and a gs2.) it has a better screen size, better aspect ratio (imo), better cameras, better support, much better apps, and a extremely superior build quality.

way to be a douche. the article is entitled "ipad mini or Nexus 7", i just answered the question

comment of the year. awesome

i would rather have the ipad mini


the rumoured ipad mini will likely not fit though. its more like eight inches, and has a wider aspect ratio. though i find that the bigger size, and better ratio will be worth it. (aspect ratio is my opinion. used to have an ipad, now have a transformer prime, and i miss the 4:3)

i can easily tell the difference between a 420p display and a 720p display, even on a screen thats only ~4.3"

"Also, the gamepad's screen is 854×480 (480p). But honestly, expecting full HD out of a 6-inch screen is kind of batshit insane."