except its sorta not. If you were to invest in a company or product, you aknowlege high risk, but because of high-reward. in this, it is incredibly low reward, and is set up to make the buyer feel like it is low-risk
except its sorta not. If you were to invest in a company or product, you aknowlege high risk, but because of high-reward. in this, it is incredibly low reward, and is set up to make the buyer feel like it is low-risk
the rMBP does not have a DVD drive....
except for on the 15" rMBP. lol. you look like quite a moron right now
i would if i had a modded xbox. Not that i dont know how to mod it, its just that i only have one working one, and i would like to be able to go online with it, with no fear of getting banned. My other xbox is e74'd, or i would mod it. (and dont tell me to just fix it, i already have, like 10 times, but it dies within…
sure 80$ for two years sounds like a good deal, until you realize you only get 100MB per month, on verizons super slow 3g network. no thanks.
awesome. well done.
so basically it is no more useful (in terms of openness and capabilities) than an ipad, and less useful than android? then i would rather have ios, or android
download a third party app and it should fix that.
because his contract likely said he may not use his knowledge gained from working at apple to help a rival, exploit the software, or in anyway harm apple. Even if he was able. Even if he developed a new jailbreak, without using any knowledge gained from working at apple, he may still be infringing on a clause in his…
never owned a blackberry, but when i used ios, i was alerted to new emails very quickly, now that i have android, i get them very late, (on my asus tf201, and my GS2, t989. both on jellybean). in fact, i dont even use the email app, or the gmail app anymore, because new emails often do not even appear in either. (even…
Unless you get the rt....
I'd much rather have burger King, Carl's Jr, or McDonalds. But not arbys
more like windows 8 is your never pay for this crap, ever, deal of the day
wendys makes me feel like death, but dead people dont have as bad of an after taste...
but it was the first smartphone to work well, that was the innovation, not those things.
pretty sure its chink
but combining a bunch of things others have already done is not innovation, though it is awesome. as for the os of a regular pc, this is only true of the pro model, the rt has a stripped down windows.
there are 44 different 'configurations' among three different ipads. Would it be absurd for samsung to have 500+ different laptops currently for sale? of course, but really its 500+ configurations, among a few models
hes not saying this is not a good product to buy. but, if i may ask, how is it so innovative? its a tablet (been done.), runs windows (been done, and will soon be overdone.), has a kickstand (been done.), has a detachable cover (been done), which can function as a likely bad keyboard. (been done, and usually has real…