
eh, i wouldnt mind, i never use auto-brightness anyway. ive yet to use a device that it worked quickly enough, or to a satisfying brightness. Not on my gs2, my transformer prime, my ipod touch, or my ipad. (though the ipad did do it much better than the others.)

still looks to be a pretty crappy keyboard though, and extremely overpriced, imo.

please come to tmo USA, we dont have any good phones....

i dont think i will be interested at all in the rt version. already have a transformer prime, and honestly windows 8 isnt even as useful as JB right now, plus android can be customized more it seems. Plus, my dock seems a heck of alot more useful that the touch typing cover the surface has. it has real-ish keys, a

the type cover is shown in the article picture.... 129$

the apple wireless keyboard is a real keyboard though, this keyboard will have little to no travel. i have a transformer prime, and even its keys can be a pain to use, but the surface keyboard is basically just a touch screen, without the screen.

not unless you somehow hook the 30pin into one of those phones, and port the app over (or write a whole new app that triggers it)

agree with alot, but i dont really think widgets are really that big of a deal. i used to have an ipad, and an ipod touch, and i sorely wanted widgets. I jailbroke them both, and got widgets, i thought it was pretty cool (mainly because i had widgets in ios, and it confused people.), but they werent super useful. then

its all about opinion, and preference. i hate the design, software, and general aesthetics of the s3. in my opinion, the s3 does not even come close to the iphone 5, the one x, the one x+, xperia ion, lumia 920, wp8x, one vx, xperia tl, optimus g, evo lte, and maybe even the s2 (t989) in terms of general quality.

Almost any AMOLED screen manufactured by samsung has a very noticible mura when in dim ambient ighting, and the screen is displaying alot of blacks, or dark colors. (many non-samsung amoleds also have this issue.) It drives me craaazy on my gs2, enough so that i have tried replacing it with a non-samsung phone

this game is not interesting to me in the slightest unless it has local splitscreen multi-player. does anybody know if it does? the first one did, and i played the crap out of it, then i was dumb, and didnt check if the second did (just assumed) and bought it, found out it didnt, tried the single player, was

phones can do so many things, and taking photos is one of the minor uses. point and shoots take photos, and video. so, yeah. thats impressive

or wasteland

i have had a pro, an elite, and a slim. the pro broke once, the other two have had no problems...

i wont get an android phone with a screen smaller than 4.5, and i likely will never get a phone with a pentile screen, it doesnt pass either of those tests.

i wouldnt even pay 100

thats because you have a samsung.

exactly, i use tmobile, and want a better phone, but people always tell me to either get the s3, or a different carrier. first, i do not want the s3, at all, not even a little. second, i am not gonna switch carriers, no other carrier comes close to the deal i get on tmobile, not does any carrier have as good of 4g

i love both OS's, as they both have their advantages. i cant get an iphone, and enjoy it fully though, because im on tmobile.

ha ha, everybody boasts 1gb of ram last year, a few phones get 2gb, and people act like using 1gb is unacceptable. 1gb is good enough, especially since it uses less battery, when you use less ram