this is supposedly coming to tmobile USA, correct? if so i might ditch my gs2 (not a huge fan of it anyways.) If it werent for the updated color scheme, i would without-doubt get it, but now im not too sure.
this is supposedly coming to tmobile USA, correct? if so i might ditch my gs2 (not a huge fan of it anyways.) If it werent for the updated color scheme, i would without-doubt get it, but now im not too sure.
the Third best in the market, beaten in most tests by the iphone 5, and one x/evo lte
well, the iphone 5 did just beat down the s3 in most performance tests.
my choices are get a usb controller made to look like a nes controller, that may or may not work with android (probably wont, and thats the main reason i want it.) for 13$, or an actual original NES controller, made to work with usb interfaces, that for sure will work with android, and can have a flash drive built in,…
i much prefer the vanilla oreos (yellowish ones) to chocolate oreos, especially double stuffed
only works correctly if rooted....
the nes controller is the best controller ever! i am thinking of buying one, connecting the outputs on the buttons, to the input on a keyboard controller, then to a usb cable, so it can work with windows/mac/ios/android without need for special software (it would be recognized as a keyboard, and the buttons would…
almost never. maybe once or twice in the last few years. i would rather have an ssd, or more battery in its stead.
if you pay more than 35-40 bucks a month for live, you are a sucker. ebay is your friend. Also, your ps+ doesnt give you free games, it gives you really long game rentals. if you cancel your + account, you lose the games.
pretty easy way to ensure nobody ever plays your game again.
i recently sold my ipad and got a transformer prime, and i must say that i sorely miss the 4:3, at first i was excited to get a more "video friendly" ratio, and soon found out that it seems much smaller than the 9.7" 4:3 screen of the ipad, despite being 10.1", (though i have heard the ipads is bigger, area wise) is…
an ipad is called an iPad, not iTablet, and its still a tablet. An asus transformer pad is not called a transformer tablet, and its still a tablet.
i think its a tablet that comes with a controller, not a controller that comes with a tablet
i like the iphone skin, and would love on for my transformer prime if they weren't like 25$
wow. okay.... that sucked out loud.
if the flood were in the campaign, i would definantly buy this game.
not sure what you mean. i may just not fully understand, but im pretty sure the s3 in my t989 does. it mins at around 300mhz, and maxs at about 1.5ghz. i can even check what clock speed it is currently at, or lower the min, or raise the max.
okay. lay off the caps.... i really dont care if it is meant to look that way, i just dont like it. i have played both borderlands, and the graphics bug me. i am not saying its a huge deal, and if i actually found either of the borderlands entertaining, i would play them regardless of the graphics.
i think the slim 360 is the best looking. I never realized how tiny the wii is compared to the others. (even though i have one.)