
the galaxy tab has a propreitory connector, the transformer prime also uses a proprietory connector. i am not sure what you are saying, but neither device has a micro-usb connector without needing a dongle/converter/adapter. The reason for this is because it would be unable to charge the device at a reasonable rate,

I'm sorry I confused you. But I did start with "i would rather"

I would much rather have my GS2 than a GS3, thank you very much.

My point was that while some people may just consider it a book, others find it to be much more. As for being offended, i am not offended, but if somebody really shot one, i would find it disrespectful, and in distaste. You did tell basically tell somebody to stop being offended when you said "Stop Overreacting".

would it be fine if they shot your mother? its basically just a bunch of water and carbon. Not saying i think shooting your mother is the same as shooting a bible, but if somebody feels offended by it, you have no right to say they cant.

If only I could play this video. Android 4.0 seems unable to play any online videos

I don't know why you think I need to prove my opinion to you, But the 30 pin handled audio much better than micro usb, and can provide much more power. (micro usb does not provide enough power to charge many tablets reasonably, such as the ipad, transformer prime, or galaxy tab.

I dont really care what it is, but i find it horrible looking

If it's at least as good as the previous port, it can do some stuff that micro usb can't. Also, it can be inserted upside down and still work correctly, which is pretty freaking awesome.

Its not the lack of realism that bugs me. Its just the general style that looks absolutley terrible to me

i dont know what it is, but i really really dislike the graphics/art style of borderlands 1 & 2. i looks like a coloring book colored in with water colors. Really dark/heavy outlines, and odd colors.

paranoid much?...

id rather have this than the micro-usb i have on my phone. much better port.

id rather have this than the micro-usb i have on my phone. much better port.

i have a tmobile gs2 (t989) and have had other android devices in the past. it doesnt always just work. plus, some devices dont have a micro-usb, mini-usb, or full sized usb. (galaxy tab, transformer prime, etc.)

i wonder if it has anything to do with what pins get what information, since the cable can be put in either right side up or up side down.

well. Since, IMO, nintendo's last to devices have been absolutely terrible. (wii, and 3ds) i am a little skeptical that this one is worth $300+. I really dont see the wiiU being much of an improvement over the 360, or ps3. (if its even an improvement at all.)

to everybody saying to just stfu and buy the wiiU if you want to play this game. even if Halo, forza, GTA, COD, and NCAA football (basically the only games i play) all, magically, became wiiU exclusives, there is still 0 chance i would buy the wiiU.

would have been cooler it was a picture of a room or something, that had an alarm clock in it, and the clock was real time

then dont use it. some people have little choice on which ISP to use