
When his Pokemon was about to run out of health, he would make them self destruct, doing massive damage to the other pokemon. Sometimes though, he would force the opponent to put out a different pokemon before self destructing

It should say "at the minimum distance of 12 inches" because holding the phone further does not make it not "retina", it would make it appear to be a higher ppi

in the video provided by you, the entire device is stretched, not just the display

im not saying they are 100% impossible, but your video is just a concept, it has no scientific basis to it. At this time, we cannot made a display that magically can be stretched without quality degradation. (new pixels would need to be made while stretching somehow.) There would also need to be a stretchable body,

technically, he said expecting chicken salad, and getting pb&j, which would be very disappointing.

eli definantly has "clutch" in real life, as defined in the parameters. if they trail by a touchdown or less in the final minutes, he becomes amazing, out of nowhere.

i hope you are joking, otherwise you are just very stupid

I use the android remote app, therefore I am tied to uttorent, meaning when I torrent, I can't use my Linux pc's, just my windows pc. That is why I wish the would make a decent linuxmclient before an android client.

What exactly is keeping you from getting contacts? I got some, and am never looking back

The first on was pretty funny, but I'd say that this one was grasping at straws. They should make videos of the other fanboy groups too though, (Microsoft, android, rim, etc.) seeing as how none of them are innocent when it comes to stupid claims, and over defensiveness

Though Ive never had 30 infections in a month (how?) I have had trouble with mse, the one infection we did get went straight through it without mse even noticing, or trying to stop/delete it.

No, he wasn't very good

This must only be available on the desktop versions or something. I can't find the option anywhere on the iPad app, or android app. (the only devices I ever listen to pandora on)

Good for you. Not everybody does, though,

well, its freaking cheap compared to most ~9" tablets, with pretty great specs. As for the badly done part, i am not sure what you mean. Everything amazon has done to android is a step down ,imo, would rather have vanilla JB or ICS than the fugly skin amazon slaps on. (especially since it lacks the google apps.)

Well. I would be flashing a rom anyways. No way would I put up with that skin

so they actually bleep out? im gonna have to try this. ive looked for such an option in the past.

i prefer clean songs (even if im the only one listening,) but i will still listen to some explicit songs. but i have it playing out loud, and there is even a single person in earshot that im not 100 percent sure is fine with explicit, i just end up skipping songs left and right to make sure i dont offend them, or make

Pandora never plays the songs I want, and their all explicit (except for the songs that don't have an explicit version.) and I don't like the way channels work on last fm and others. If it has better algorithms, and has an option to play only clean versions of songs I would use it. Though probably only on my computer

I understand that You can't know 100% what is true or not with the rumors, but you don't know, at all. You are going purely on rumors, and "proof" put out by sketchy Asian sites, and media sites (that are quite often wrong.) I am not saying that the rumours are wrong, they very well may be right. But rumours should