
You can't set your own picture, because theirs ads. That you see every time you turn on the display. Yeah, that's sorta intrusive

every time i go to use the device.... ads up. (get it? ads..)

k. well, if you read my comment, the ads werent the reason i would flash a rom, also, the ads in this case are pretty intrusive. i wouldnt be getting the data plan, because for only 250mb per month its not worth getting (and i can share my phones internet anyway.).

maybe. forcing ads in your face is obnoxious. though, i would flash a rom on day one anyways. (google play is WAY better than amazon market, and amazons theming is trash.) as for the part where you compare the prices of competitors to the new fire. the other devices are better, so paying more is not just so i dont

Hopefully google changes things up there. IMO, moto has been churning out nothing but crap for a few years now

Guess I was wrong, there is a new cheap one. I didn't notice anything about it on giz though. Just Engadget

The way you wrote it, it made it seem that you were saying that there is no fun, as applied to what you really meant.

Ummmm. I'm pretty sure the 159$ one is the old one, not a new one

Nexus 7, but I don't want a pathetic 7" tablet. I'm more interested in the 8.9 inch version, but not for 300$. I could get a brand new asus tf300, or a used tf201 (prime)

Utorrent has an amazing remote app for android. I am staying with utorrent

How would I jot be offended. You are making fun of me. For something you obviously know nothing about

Utorrent has the incredibly well polished remote apply for android. I'm sticking with utorrent

Okay? That's either a lame joke, or a horribly prejudice, ignorant comment

i have only ever seen two galaxy s III's in the wild (not counting stores, displays, etc.), and they were both cracked to hell. i have yet to see a lumia 800, or 900 in the wild (just the tmobile lumias, which i would cover up, because they are not good looking.) Though the iphones should break easily, i see very few

theres less bezel on my galaxy s II (tmobile)

but the utorrent remote app for android is nice, and well polished. im not giving it up

Can I get a decent Linux client first?

Well, it sure is much uglier than most phones.

havent they owned them for about a year now? (or more.)

if the device pictured above is the razr hd, i see quite a bit of bezel