You think that's absurd? Wait until you hear Roger Goodell's excuse when Ray Rice suits up next week: "Well, I didn't say I was suspending him definitely."
You think that's absurd? Wait until you hear Roger Goodell's excuse when Ray Rice suits up next week: "Well, I didn't say I was suspending him definitely."
It just fucking sucks that this guy of all people is effectively punished with a short timeout.
Apparently you don't speak Reddit/MRA.
Is that true? While we're all up in arms about how the NFL & Ravens are handling this, I want to know how you can knock out someone on video and not go to jail.
He beats on a woman and you are worried about his earning power?
No kidding. What a terrifying and troubling way to think.
Also, my favorite thing about the comments right now is all the white dudes lowing about how Levenson is just trying to be more "inclusive" and "diverse."
One thing I didn't touch on in this article, but that Rembert Browne absolutely nails in his column about it over on Grantland, is that Atlanta is, in many ways, the ideal city for making money by selling things to middle- and upper-class black people. It says a lot about Bruce Levenson that his only idea for selling…
Now I'm confused. Apart from the email, which contains the explicitly racist sentiments of a man, what other evidence must he provide to prove that said email is racist?
I am genuinely impressed at the amount of people in Deadspin commentary that legitimately believe this isn't racist. If anything is an example of true-form racism, this is it. Right here. An owner of an NBA team trying to figure out how to reduce the presence of black people in his arena, reduce the image of black…
I was going to post a silly gif, but tears started streaming down my face. THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOE. Sometimes the years of war against women just fucking wears you down, so when you hear this so plainly by someone so amazing, it just blows you away.
Even the most mediocre Broadway actors can sing and dance competently on stage at the same time. It's pathetic that a pop star can't even manage as much without sounding like bad karaoke.
Last gal's friend is just trying to relate. New mom probably won't shut up about the kids, and so the topic of "taking care of an inferior being" ends up being the only common ground.
I'd also be worried about what he'd be capable of once deprived of his "outlet."
Lana on Archer-style YUP. This guy's rape threats are about to start getting interspersed with pagelong rants about how family court is biased against men.
That is a good point. It kind of reminds me of abusers using excuses like having "anger management" problems. Obviously that does exist and can lead to abusive behavior (mental health stuff re: regulating emotions, interpersonal skills, etc.) but often the question is, well, do they abuse their boss, coworkers? Their…
Word. If it's about taking out his aggression on something, he could have chosen an outlet where the people really are not human — video games, for instance. It's also telling that his targets are vulnerable people, like teenage girls looking for validation or people posting weight loss photos. Again, if he didn't…
Sounds like this guy is about to go off on an internet tirade about how his wife is stealing his child.
I don't buy the "people on the internet aren't human so I can say what I want" argument for a minute. He enjoys the thrill of cruelty. It wouldn't be satisfying if there wasn't a real person getting hurt.