
No, knocking women out is not what feminism is all about.

Things that make me happy: This guy isn't going to be fired over this

Don't know how a 31 year old woman can have sex with a man 30 years her senior. That to me is Kafkaesque nightmare. I would have NEVER.

Yeah, I dig the Jeff G as much as anyone, but really dude? 30 year age difference is still creepy as hell.

Yeah, too bad he's gone from contemporaries to someone who could be his child.

Unrelated side note: I am continually impressed by Laura Dern's massive man-getting game. Kyle Mclachlan, Jeff Goldblum, Ben Harper, Nicolas Cage (whatever, I'm into it, don't judge me), that Renny guy (who I hadn't heard of but just google image searched and wow)... Good for her.

His fiancee is 30 years younger than him and she writes like a 15 year old: "I was taken over by tears of joy n ecstasy! We picked the ring 2gether"...any respect I had for Jeff G. just plummeted.

Unrelated or perhaps somehow related story: a dominatrix friend of mine from 90's Los Angeles claimed Goldblum liked mistresses to poop on him. Just thought I'd share that.

I love Goldblum, but the original is better.

I always wondered why we don't see more of her. In the early 90's, she seemed to be everywhere. Wish I saw her more, these days. She's so captivating.

He is old enough to be my grandfather, I'd still fuck him.

im pretty sure she doesn't have a boyfriend. what with being gay and all that junk.

I dunno, you could probably pull something out of the fact that both countries whose teams were in the final and the host all have female heads of government. Lady leaders are good for male football teams?

You're kind of a psycho.