
Wow, BrightEye’s reply was not inflammatory or uncalm. Your response is unnecessarily rude. ::cue the who asked you reply::

Ever get the sense that not only are we not evolving, but we are devolving? That access to 24/7 unbridled content, hive minds, and ever increasing populations are bringing out the basest in some people?

If you see a nonsequitor response from me, it was a Kinja eff up and a reply meant for someone else! :-)


And your point is?

They are a swirling pool of rape apologists and misogynists feeding off each other, shaping and propping up each other’s warped value systems. There’s no there there, just narcissim and blame inside a toxic amoeba that splits off to create ever new life forms with disturbing view points and no capacity for

Reading the entire letter made it worse, if possible.

I see you! I read EVERY comment. I think it’s common for pedophiles to prey upon the weak, and these two found the weak owing to their chosen fields, or the chose their fields to put them in contact with these types of kids. If the Catholic Church had done their job, they would have uncovered many many criminals who

That looks like an amazing resource. It’s way more engaged than just “stranger danger” so with hope many parents are up to the ongoing task.

I just rage ate an ENTIRE package of chocolate orange Milano cookies. In like ten minutes.

This vile person and this vile story is *fractionally* ameliorated by the catharsis I’m experiencing reading everyone else’s rage. Carry on.

I’d feel guilty AF and like I created a monster. Then wonder what part I had in it all. Then go into deep depression.

Does. Not. Compute. I hate to sound really gross but ... (here’s the gross part) - I have never read about a criminal like this who attacked such a huge age range of children. This is a special kind of evil.

Holy fuck. Holy holy fuck.

‘“It is very rare indeed that a judge has to sentence sexual offending by one person on such a scale as this,” said Judge Peter Rook ...’ Well, unless the Catholic church had done their job.

And, dear lord, equating rape with promiscuity. Like father like son. Apples, trees, distance. Birds, feathers.

No shit. Still doesn’t make this stinking pile of privlege less deserving of criticism.

Totally. That excuse is just that, an excuse. How hard would it be on an alleged feminist blog to say, “Whoops, you know you’re right, let me fix that.” Two seconds and done. OP is full of something.

Ok, then use “alleged rape” until he’s found guilty. Just because some other source uses a bullshit term doesn’t mean you have to.

“that’s just how it goes in startups” - absolute definition of zero nein nyet non nada clue. Like, “he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know” level of cluelessness.